This generation

 The media and also education has conditioned our children to think their parents know nothing we are stupid or rather just not informed, not educated. I remember Disney sit coms and movies when our children were growing up

 where the parents were always portrayed stupid know nothing and the kids were so smart knew everything and had a solution for everything. Even now in my beloved Hallmark shows the children have the most compassion they want to take care of their parents. They are so nice and give wisdom when the parents are going through trails. That is the complete opposite of today. These millinials are are extremely selfish.   Far cry from the truth. 

So that is part of the problem in this world. The good morals and the God of the Bible are considered old fashioned, the parents really don't know anything. There is a new way of morals one that fits the social media and we all except anyone's way of life. The children know everything. The parents or older generation who believe what the Bible says are considered haters and raicist. Or we are not as intellectual as they are apparently because some of us like myself do not use big words or as elliquent of speach . So what we believe is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if we still love them, we the Christians are just bad and get labeled.

 Far cry from the way I was raised. We watched TV that always had a moral and the parents had the solution. Like the Walton's, Little house on the prairie, Leave it to beaver, My three sons ect.

God created the family for a reason. If we didn't need our parents then we would just raise ourselves. This is the problem with this next generation. God help us. 

I wish I still had my parents . My mother was raised in the country had country sayings but she was the smartest women I ever knew. My father was so gifted and full of wisdom without a college degree. He was in charge of the southern Colorado soil conservation division and wrote a book.  My Aunt Nelle without a college degree worked as the college presidents secretary but when she retired. They hired 3 people to do her 

I am a lot like my mother I may not have the most educated and intellectual way of speaking. I may not spell words correctly or have the best pronunciation. But I have godly wisdom and I know what I believe.

Now we give our kids participation awards! Just because you went to college does not make you smart, mostly you were inundated with liberalism. Taught  are many beliefs like "Do want makes you feel good".Sorry that leads to despair, addictions, suicide ect

 We need to have Jesus in all our lives. As we read the bible He leads us in Wisdom and Revelation. That is the only way to change this world
